Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Real Deal Brazil Does Mainland Portugal

The Real Deal Brazil-topped traveler who sent us the shots we posted recently from the Portuguese island of Madeira also spent some time on the European country's mainland.

Whenever he met someone who expressed an interest in his Real Deal Brazil recycled-tarp hat, he encouraged them to try it on -- and then he snapped a picture of them. Some were fellow foreign travelers; some were native Portuguese. Several of those shots, plus a few snaps of some newly stylish statues, are now included here.

We've kept our traveler's name a mystery; he actually asked that we refrain from including it if we decided to run these photos. Your secret's safe with us, Mr. Real Deal Rambler!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Real Deal Brazil Revists the Ancient Far East!

Pet Dr. Phil is back in the RDB house!

Last May, we received a superb set of travel photos from Real Deal Brazil owner Phil Caldwell, a Los Angeles small-animal veterinarian and aspiring writer. Phil had documented in pictures a trip he'd taken to Cambodia, one of his favorite places in the world. In his happy travels there, Phil was routinely accompanied by his stalwart Real Deal Brazil recycled-tarp hat, even through the incredible ruins of Angkor Wat, from the ancient Khmer Empire.

Phil took another trip in late-November, 2010, and we lucked out to again receive a few shots from his enviable travels, presented below. Sorry it's taken us so long to share them!

For more on Phil's trans-global travel exploits, visit his compelling personal blog, "Scribbles From a Midnight Diary,"

The Real Deal Brazil Tarp Hat Tours Idyllic Portuguese Island

We recently received a set of images from an intrepid Real Deal traveler who spent some time on the island of Madeira, in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Portugal. Wherever he went on this beautiful island, he took his Real Deal Brazil recycled-tarp hat. If people asked about it, or even seemed interested in it but spoke no English, he encouraged them to try it on, and snapped their delighted pictures. A number of these impromptu shots are presented here.

This is more than just a spotlight of our nifty hat, but a slide show of a lovely locale of mountain cliffs, rocky beaches and charming Old World towns that so many may not have realized even exists. Enjoy!