It's good to have fans. It's even better to have the best fans.
Case in point: There's a whole lot of geoachers out there who are pretty passionate about our Real Deal Brazil recycled-tarp hat. They wear their own religiously while out on their intriguing pursuits in fields and forests and even urban jungles. This brings us much happiness here at the Real Deal Brazil, as we happen to think that geocaching is quite cool, and the 'cachers we've gotten to know through their own love of our hats tend to be even cooler still.
Which brings us to this happy note: Jenn Kunze, righteous Real Deal Brazil fan and reported geocache goddess (we've heard; we cannot confirm) is trying to organize a group photo at the fast-approaching GeoWoostock IX/GWS9 of fellow 'cachers who are also Real Deal Brazil hat owners.
GeoWoodstock, the world's largest gathering of geocachers, will be held this year July 1-3 at the Warren County Fairgrounds in Pittsfield, Penn.
That's Jenn third from right in the above photo, by the way, with her trusty RDB hat, a bunch of her 'caching homies and the prize booty of that particular day's geo-search expedition.
The only requirement to be in this pending group photo other than attending GeoWoodstock IX: You've gotta be wearing your own Real Deal Brazil hat. Some come one, come all, you geocaching RDB lovers! There might even be a nifty little gift in it for a couple of ya.
This photo is tentatively planned for 12:20 p.m. Saturday, July 2 at GWS9; actual location at GeoWoodstock is TBA, and we'll post it on our Facebook site as soon as we know it.
Geocaching, for you geo-phytes (we think we just made that up, though we probably didn't; however, until someone tells us different, we're feeling pretty clever), is a modern-day form of treasure-hunting involving a handheld GPS device to track down "geocaches" ("caches," for short) that fellow geocachers have planted at points near and far, all around the world. These sometimes-farflung treasure troves are typically waterproof containers of different sizes, with many holding only a logbook for signing with your recognized geocaching name/handle to document your success, though sometimes the containers also hold small toys or trinkets for trading.
The point, as in any fine pursuit, isn't the object of the search but really the search itself.
Geoacaching dates to roughly the year 2000, when Dave Ulmer (aka He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named) placed the very first cache in Portland, Ore.
And yes, that is indeed a Harry Potter reference. Want another? If you never knew that geoaching even existed before this, that makes you, guess what? A Geomuggle.
These geocachers: They're a clever bunch.